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Aircon engineer - and concerned about your liability?

As a UK Air Conditioning Engineer, you will be required to carry out maintenance work on various types of HVAC equipment in various buildings across the country. This could involve working outside during the summer months, so it’s important that you have the right kind of insurance to protect yourself and your assets. This article will explain what liability insurance is and why air conditioning engineers need to purchase it. Keep reading to learn more about this topic if you want to know more.

What is Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance protects your business and assets against any potential financial loss as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. Typically, when you’re carrying out maintenance work on a building’s HVAC system, you’re required by law to carry out certain safety checks and repairs on certain components of the system. However, you can potentially be held liable for damages caused by your mistakes. This is why liability insurance protects your business against liabilities incurred due to negligence. In the event that you have to pay out a claim against your business as a result of a mistake, it will cover the cost of the claim so you don’t lose too much money.

Why Do Air Conditioning Engineers Need Liability Insurance?

As a UK Air Conditioning Engineer, you will be required to work on a variety of different types of system. There are commercial properties, offices, hospitals, schools and private residences that you will be working on. When you’re working on these systems, you’re legally required to make certain checks to ensure that the system is safe before carrying out maintenance work. If you’re working on a system that has been damaged by your own mistakes, you could be held liable for any financial damages incurred as a result. To avoid this, you should have liability insurance. It will protect you against any potential financial liability that could incur as a result of your mistakes. This could include damage to your own equipment or assets as well as damage to other people’s property and assets.

How Much Does Liability Insurance Cost?

There are a few factors that will affect the cost of your liability insurance. The type of business you have, the size of your business and the amount of liability insurance you need will all affect the price you end up paying. Typically, a standard business liability policy might cost between £10 and £40 per month, depending on your circumstances. If you have a large business and you’re looking at excesses, this price could go substantially.

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Which Cover Should You Buy?

There are a few key things to consider when you’re choosing which type of liability insurance to purchase. You will want to choose a policy that covers you against third party claims, as well as one that covers your assets such as tools and equipment. When you’re choosing a policy, you will also want to take into account the amount of liability insurance you already have. By looking at these factors, you will be able to see which coverage would be the best fit for your business.

Why Is An excess Necessary?

When you purchase a liability policy, the company will assess your assets to determine how much excess you’ll have to pay if someone sues you for damages. Typically, the excess will be 2% of the amount you’re covered for. If the cost for causing the damages was £100, you would have to pay an excess of £2. This means that if someone sues you for £10,000, you would have to pay £2,000. However, if you had a 10% excess, you would have to pay £20,000. This is why it’s important to have a high excess on your policy. If you had a 10% excess, you would only have to pay out 10% of the damages if someone sued you.

What To Look For In A Good Cover

There are a few key things to look out for when purchasing a liability insurance policy. You will want to make sure that the policy covers your assets such as tools and equipment, as well as that it covers you against third party claims. The coverage amount should be enough to protect you from the worst case scenario, but not so much that you’re going to have to spend a lot of time and effort defending yourself.


As an air conditioning engineer, you work in a high-risk industry. You are required to operate and maintain various types of HVAC equipment in various buildings across the country. As such, you will be required to carry out maintenance work on these systems. This could involve working outside during the summer months, so it’s important that you have the right kind of insurance to protect yourself and your assets. This article will explain what liability insurance is and why air conditioning engineers need to purchase it.

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This site is run by Marion Travers who is a blogger and not an insurance expert. It is meant for entertaimnent only so it may contain errors, misinformation and downright rubbish.

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